Site Development Infrastructure Planners Surveyors
Design Philosophy
Project Development Phases
Discover – The first step of the process covers the start of the project. Designers at JC Waller & Associates, PC and the project team try to look at the world in a fresh way, notice new things and gather insights.
Define – The second step of the process represents the Definition Phase, in which JC Waller & Associates, PC designers and the project team try to make sense of all the possibilities identified in the Discover Phase. Which matters most? On what should we act on first? What is feasible? The goal here is to develop a clear, creative brief that frames the fundamental design challenge.
Design – The third step of the process is where solutions or concepts are created and iterated. This process of trial and error helps JC Waller & Associates, PC designers and the project team to improve and refine their ideas.
Deliver – The final step in the process is the Delivery Phase, where the resulting design is developed into the final deliverable that meets the needs of the Client.
Visioneering Process
Inspiration - The first phase of the Visioneering process is where the world is viewed from various perspectives to notice new things and gather new insights.
Ideation – The second phase is where the concepts from the Inspiration Phase are synthesized and infused with convergent and divergent ideas to develop numerous plausible solutions.
Implementation - The final phase in the Visioneering process, Implementation, is where plausible solutions are further synthesized into a singular, final, context-driven solution that best meets the needs and vision of the Client.